Depending on the source of the images you are using, you might need to provide credit when using them. Or you just might want to do it, to appreciate the work of the author. Either way, you’ve come to the right place.
How to add stock images in Avada Fusion Builder
Get stock images in Avada quickly without leaving your admin panel with the free StockPack plugin. Avoid disruption when working on your website.
Avada is the most popular commercial theme. It has a lot of options and that makes a great choice for people looking to get versatility when building a website. Their support team is great, and the Fusion Builder is very easy to use.
StockPack is compatible with Avada and the Fusion builder, so you can search and download 430 million+ images directly in the WordPress Media Library.
WPML compatibility
TLDR; The StockPack plugin is fully translatable with WPML, use the Media Translation Extension to translate images caption and alt text.
Captions: Do you actually need them?
WordPress supports captions, but this feature is often not used. This article lists situations when you need a caption, and where you don’t.
How to connect Getty Images to WordPress in 3 steps
This short article will explain how to connect Getty Images to your WordPress Media Library using StockPack.
Step 1. Install the StockPack plugin on your WordPress website

Read moreHow to connect Getty Images to WordPress in 3 steps
How to connect iStock to WordPress in 3 steps
This short article will explain how to connect iStock to your WordPress Media Library using the StockPack WordPress plugin.
Step 1. Install the StockPack plugin on your WordPress website

Free images licensing explained
Free images licensing is broad. The license allows free usage of the image, without paying anything. You can use the images anywhere. However, there are a few things you need to look for to make sure you are not infringing copyright.
Disclaimer: This article serves as a guide only. You should check with an attorney to verify if your specific situation is not part of an exception or a particular law in your country. This article is not legal advice.

Stop stockpack from loading with stockpack load filter
You can prevent the StockPack plugin from loading on pages you do not want it to load, by default it will only load in the admin side since you might use a image field on any page. You configure where the StockPack plugin will load with the stockpack_load
Read moreStop stockpack from loading with stockpack load filter
StockPack settings capability filter
If you are looking to restrict the users that are allowed to edit StockPack settings, you can update the capability for which the settings page will be loaded.
How to search by id in StockPack
There are situations where you already know the id of the image, and you are looking to just download it faster into the WordPress site. We noticed that some photographers were searching by ID to retrieve their own images posted on Unsplash. Another use case was for users that saw the id of the image on watermarked images. Whatever use case you need it for, you can search by id in StockPack.